The Rum Diaries

It’s been a while since the high seas were scattered with rum drinking, peg legged, parrot owning pirates. And if we’re being honest, we’re pretty happy that part of history died out over 100 years ago. Don’t get us wrong, there’s no doubt all the savage violence makes for a great yarn in a kids book, or an 8 star rated movie series on IMDB, we just don’t reckon it has much of a place in modern society.

But what about the sense of adventure? The journeys that don’t have any particular goal or destination, the trips that are often unplanned but are the most exciting. When was the last time you jumped on a boat with no day of return, or hopped on a 250 with a surfboard hanging off the side in search of weekend waves? These are our modern seafarers and vagabonds, the ones that have an innate calling to the salt. Together with local artists, Helmsman have been working on a project called The Rum Diaries, it explores the people of the ocean, the connection they have with the water and why it is so powerful to them.

So grab a rum, stay tuned and join us on a journey of adventure, mishaps and exploration with those who share the heart of the sea.

Rum Dairies

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3: